Capital Celluloid 2021 — Day 29: Mon Jun 14

Submarine (Ayoade, 2010): Prince Charles Cinema, 

This 35mm presentation is on an extended run until June 24th. Full details here.

Daily Telegraph review of Submarine:
The temptation to overpraise our new movie talent can induce an almost superstitious pang of anxiety, but here goes anyway: Richard Ayoade’s Submarine feels like the most refreshing, urgent and original debut the British film industry has seen in years. This coming-of-age story is set in Swansea and narrated by a teenage boy, but it thankfully gives a body-swerve to the tired clichés in which our industry routinely imprisons such subject matter. There’s no drab naturalism, sulky rebellion or political backdrop, and, best of all, no forced uplifting climax snatched from relentless adversity. Instead writer-director Ayoade, in adapting Joe Dunthorne’s novel, has fashioned an adolescent fantasia that astutely employs its own film-making techniques to represent the thought processes of its unlikely young hero. 
David Gritten

Here (and above) is the trailer for Submarine.

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