Capital Celluloid 2021 — Day 92: Mon Aug 16

Desert Hearts (Deitch, 1985): Prince Charles Cinema, 8.45pm

This screening is part of the Unicorn Nights season at the Prince Charles Cinema. You can find all the details here.

Time Out review:
To Reno (in 1959) comes a mid-thirtyish New York teacher, her hair in a bun and her nerves in shreds, in search of a divorce from a stultified marriage. She puts up at a local ranch, and it's not long before she is succumbing to the advances of a much younger woman, though not without resistance. Suspicions that the film will simply be a period piece, viewed through the modern lens of post-feminist wishful thinking, are soon allayed however. Redneck Reno might still adhere to the old frontier notions of anything-goes morality, but it still harbours enough of the puritan spirit to make life uncomfortable for lesbians. Moreover, the ranch is more of an emotional snake-pit than first appears. Donna Deitch is well served by Helen Shaver as the teacher and Patricia Charbonneau as the young seducer. Best of all, however, is the way the movie dignifies all its characters. There is also an incendiary consummation of the affair, and Patsy Cline on the soundtrack; two features which had this paleneck by the throat.
Chris Peachment

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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