Capital Celluloid 2021 — Day 164: Wed Oct 27

Frenzy (Hitchcock, 1972): BFI Southbank, NFT1, 8.45pm

This 35mm presentation is part of director Edgar Wright’s ‘London after Dark’ season (full details here) and is also being shown on November 19th (full information here).

Chicago Reader review: This turned out to be Alfred Hitchcock’s penultimate film (1972), though there’s no sign of the serenity and settledness that generally mark the end of a career. Frenzy, instead, continues to question and probe, and there is a streak of sheer anger in it that seems shockingly alive. The plotting combines two of Hitchcock’s favorite themes: the poisoned couple (MarnieThe Man Who Knew Too Much) and the lone man on the run (North by NorthwestSaboteur); its subjects are misogyny and domestic madness. Too Much) and the lone man on the run (North by NorthwestSaboteur); its subjects  are misogyny and domestic madness. Dave Kehr 

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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