Capital Celluloid 2022 — Day 37: Sun Feb 6

The Hunter's Diary (Nakahira, 1964): ICA Cinema, 6.10pm

This 35mm presentation is part of the Japan Foundation Touring Film Programme at the ICA Cinema. Full details here.

ICA introduction: Misogynist and philanderer Ichiro Honda (Noboru Nakaya) has an insatiable sexual appetite which is not being satisfied by his distant wife whom he only really sees on weekends. While he is away from Osaka for work, his time is spent living a double life in Tokyo, filling his nights with consecutive sexual conquests, the details of which he meticulously records in his ‘hunter’s diary’. One day, he reads about the murder of a woman in the paper; she is one of his previous ‘preys’. A few days later, another such woman dies in mysterious circumstances. Suddenly, a string of women he has bedded start dropping like flies in a calculated killing spree, with Ichiro as the only suspect. Adapting a novel written by Masako Togawa, who portrays the role of the deceived wife, silver screen master Ko Nakahira (Plants from the Dune) directs this stylish suspense drama which we are happy to present in glorious 35mm format.

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