Capital Celluloid 2022 — Day 40: Wed Feb 9

The Story of Adele H (Truffaut, 1975): BFI Southbank, NFT1, 8.55pm

This Francois Truffaut film is part of the director's season is also being screened on Ferbruary 12th and 19th at BFI Southbank (full details here).

Chicago Reader review:
The critics loved to honor the late Francois Truffaut for his glowingly humanistic films, yet as time goes by it becomes more and more clear that his dark, obsessive works (The Soft Skin, The Green Room, The Man Who Loved Women) are by far the most personal and most enduring. This 1975 effort revealed a falsely promising Isabelle Adjani as the daughter of Victor Hugo, devoted to the point of demented self-destructiveness to a feckless British lieutenant. Though, like Truffaut’s other black films, it suffers from a monotony of tone, its intensity is impressive and remains uncompromised by the prettifying aesthetic touches Truffaut adds here and there in an apparent attempt to distance himself from the overcharged material. The further Truffaut steps back, the more implicated he seems to be.
Dave Kehr

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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