Capital Celluloid 2022 — Day 46: Tue Feb 15

The Green Room (Truffaut, 1978): BFI Southbank, NFT3, 8.40pm

This Francois Truffaut film is part of the director's season is also being screened on Ferbruary 10th and 23rd at BFI Southbank (full details here).

Chicago Reader review:
Stillborn but intriguing Francois Truffaut film (1978), assembled from two short stories by Henry James. The filmmaker himself stars as a journalist whose life is centered on the memory of his dead wife; he meets a young woman (Nathalie Baye) with a similar obsession, and together they construct an altar to all their dead–family, friends, heroes–in an abandoned chapel. Truffaut is attempting a philosophical disquisition on the presence of the lost, the ways in which the dead remain a part of our lives, but his theme can’t escape the morbid eccentricity of his characters; the film dead-ends in sheer neurosis. Photographed, in fecund greens and withering yellows, by Nestor Almendros.
Dave Kehr

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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