Capital Celluloid 2022 — Day 71: Sun Mar 13

Aimée & Jaguar (Färberböck, 1999): Cinema Museum, 3.30pm

Sapphic Cinema and Lesflicks have joined forces to start a new monthly film night dedicated to celebrating the best of Lesbian Cinema. This 1999 film is the first.

Chicago Reader review:
A torturous, dangerous romance between a Berlin housewife and a Jewish lesbian living underground in 1943 is the subject of this piece of art-house erotica disguised as melodrama disguised as history (1998). Rona Munro and director Max Färberböck wrote the screenplay, which was based on Erica Fischer’s book, which was based on letters exchanged by two real women and on interviews with one of them, Lilly Wust.
Lisa Alspector

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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