Capital Celluloid 2022 — Day 262: Fri Sep 23

Brothel No 8 (Kumai, 1974): BFI Southbank, NFT3, 8.30pm

This 35mm presentation, which will also screen on October 1st, is part of the Kinuyo Tanaka season at BFI Southbank. Full details here.

BFI introduction:
A young female journalist researching ‘karayuki-san’ – impoverished Japanese girls and women sent abroad to work as prostitutes – interviews survivor Osaki (Tanaka), now an old woman. Recalling her story in flashback, Osaki reveals the painful reality of forgotten women in Japan’s history. Tanaka’s stunning performance won her the Best Actress award at the Berlin Film Festival and the film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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