Capital Celluloid 2022 — Day 265: Mon Sep 26

Arabian Nights (Pasolini, 1974): Prince Charles Cinema, 8.15pm

This film, also being screened on October 3rd, is part of the Pier Paolo Pasolini season at the Prince Charles Cinema. Full details here.

Time Out review:
If The Decameron represented an intense vision behind its humourous facade, and The Canterbury Tales - the trilogy's weak point - a loss of ground amid a welter of sexual exhibitionism, the Arabian Nights
 emerges as a wonderfully relaxed and open puzzle of interlinked tales dedicated to the multiplicity of truth. It yields an engrossing array of mysterious, profound and liberating moments. The tales revolve around slaves and kings, demons, love, betrayal, loss and atonement. Zumurrud (Ines Pellegrini), a slave turned monarch, after her 'drag' wedding, amid delightfully conspiratorial laughter, reveals her true sexual identity to her diminutive (and equally delighted) bride. Shot on location in North Africa, the film has rarely been seen in Britain after its release in 1975 by United Artists - in an insanely dubbed version, ludicrously cut by the censor.
Verina Glaesser

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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