Capital Celluloid 2022 — Day 294: Tue Oct 25

The Decks Ran Red (Stone, 1958): BFI Southbank, NFT3, 6.30pm

This is a 35mm presentation as part of the Projecting the Archive strand.

BFI introduction:
First Officer Ed Rumill (James Mason) can’t turn down his first chance to helm a ship, even though it’s a rusty old freighter and the last captain died in mysterious circumstances. He soon realises that mutiny is brewing and enlists the help of the cook’s attractive young wife (Dorothy Dandridge) to save the ship. Dandridge, whose centenary is this November, holds her own among the testosterone-fuelled cast, giving a compelling performance that takes her character from femme fatale to action hero. With implausible plotting and over-the-top dialogue, the film is a rollercoaster ride of adventure and melodrama.

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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