Capital Celluloid 2022 — Day 300: Mon Oct 31

Mandy (Mackendrick, 1952): BFI Southbank, NFT1, 2pm

This film is free for BFI members over 60.

Chicago Reader review:
Alexander Mackendrick was chiefly known for his wry comedies (The Man in the White Suit, Whisky Galore); this 1952 film was one of his rare forays into drama, and it shows him the master of an understated but highly charged style. What seems at first a typical problem drama of the period—a mother’s attempts to secure some kind of education for her deaf daughter—is revealed as only the central image in a more general evocation of the failures of communication in the British family structure. The vivid performances Mackendrick elicits from his players (Phyllis Calvert, Mandy Miller) combine with a subjective camera style to create one of the few emotionally demanding experiences in the British cinema. With Jack Hawkins and Terence Morgan; retitled Crash of Silence in the U.S.
Dave Kehr

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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