Capital Celluloid 2023 — Day 13: Fri Jan 13

The Idiot (Kurosawa, 1951): BFI Southbank, NFT2, 7.45pm

This 35mm presentation, also screening on January 21st, is part of the Akira Kurosawa season. You can find the full details here.

Time Out review:

Kurosawa's adaptation from his favourite novelist Dostoevsky has an undeserved reputation as a failure. True, it has a plot which is at first extremely difficult to follow if you don't know the novel, but its literal faithfulness (transferred from St Petersburg to modern Hokkaido) hardly deserves rebuke. The acting has an eerie, trance-like quality; and the perpetually snowbound sets and locations, warmed by scarcely adequate fires and bulky clothing, together with a continually turbulent music soundtrack, make up the perfect expressionist metaphor for the emotional lives of Dostoievsky's characters. Tom Milne has noted similarities to Dreyer's Gertrud; like that film, it repays the initial effort required to get into it.

Here (and above) is an extract.

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