Capital Celluloid 2023 — Day 49: Sat Feb 18

Coup D'etat (Yoshida, 1973): Close-Up Cinema, 8.15pm

This presentation of Coup D'etat (which also screens on February 24th) is part of the Essential Cinema strand at the venue (full details here).

Harvard Film Archive review:
The extended engagement with the intellectual and cultural roots of modern Japanese politics explored by Yoshida in
Eros + Massacre [culminated in] Coup d'état, his remarkable portrait of Ikki Kita, a controversial militarist who led the notorious February 26, 1836 coup later fetishized by Yukio Mishima. Yoshida's first non-widescreen feature, Coup d'état brilliantly exploits the smaller format with stunning, sharply modernist cinematography and mise-en-scène that favors unusual, off-kilter compositions and works to heighten the claustrophobia of Kia's increasing paranoia and delusion. Coup d'état also features an incredible score by noted avant-garde composer and frequent Yoshida collaborator Ichiyanagi Sei

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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