Capital Celluloid 2023 — Day 55: Fri Feb 24

The Producers (Brooks, 1967): Prince Charles Cinema, 6.15pm

This presentation is part of the Mel Brooks season - further details here.

Chicago Reader review:
A home movie by Mel Brooks—not only the first picture he directed, but evidently the first he’d ever seen (1967). Everything that can go wrong in an amateur film does go wrong, from the timing to the structure to the pitch of the performances (Zero Mostel assumes the scale of Mount Rushmore), yet there are a few solid laughs in Brooks’s bombs-away satire of backstage Broadway. Mostel is a sharpie who sells 25,000 percent of a play he’s sure will be a flop; Gene Wilder is his nebbish partner, still sweetly effective at this early stage in his career.
Dave Kehr

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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