Capital Celluloid 2023 — Day 244: Sat Sep 2

Scum (Clarke, 1979): BFI Southbank, NFT3, 7.50pm

This is part of the 'Acting Hard' season at BFI Southbank, which explores representations of working-class masculinity in British cinema from the Thatcher era to the present day. This is a 35mm screening and the film is also being shown on September 8th. Details here.

Time Out review:
Roy Minton
's teleplay about Borstal life and its vicious circle of violence, remade as a movie after being banned by the BBC: a toughened docudrama (schools of BBC/old Warners/Corman) that carries the same force as the improvised weapons Ray Winstone uses to bludgeon his way through the Borstal power structure. A far-from-blunt instrument itself (and containing some necessary leavening humour), this is potentially knife-edge film-making: will audiences buy the reformist liberalism and stomach the violence, or in fact buy the violence and racism and miss the message? The careful calculations show, but you're still likely to leave at the end feeling righteously angry.
Paul Taylor

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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