Capital Celluloid 2023 — Day 257: Fri Sep 15

The Flavour of Green Tea Over Rice (Ozu, 1952): BFI Southbank, NFT1, 8.45pm

This 4K presentation, part of the Yasujirō Ozu season at BFI Southbank, is also being screened on September 30th. Details here.

Chicago Reader review:
The dissolution of a Japanese marriage: the wife complains of her husband’s dull provincialism, the husband chafes under his wife’s Western pretensions. Yasujiro Ozu’s delicate melodramas (this one dates from his finest period, 1952) avoid any sense of cliche in their restrained, sometimes painfully subtle study of family relationships. Ozu is the master of a difficult and austere style, in which the lack of camera movement sometimes speaks more than the elaborate techniques of his contemporaries.
Dave Kehr

Here (and above) is an extract.

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