Capital Celluloid 2023 — Day 317: Tue Nov 14

Ungentle (Igwe, and Lemmey, 2022): ICA Cinema, 8.30pm

This film, starring Ben Whishaw, is part of the season curated by artist Gray Wielebinski who has an exhibition currently at the ICA. You can find details of all the movies here.

ICA introduction: 'Created by writer Huw Lemmey and artist Onyeka Igwe, Ungentle (2020) investigates the historical convergence of British espionage and homosexuality, probing themes of secrecy, privacy, deception, and underground knowledge. One of the film’s central locations is St. James’ Park, which lies opposite the ICA and has historically served as both a cruising ground and site of British military and imperial spectacle.' Gray Wielebinski

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