Capital Celluloid 2023 — Day 338: Tue Dec 5

The End of the River (Twist, 1947): BFI Southbank, NFT3, 6.20pm

This is a 35mm screening in trhe Projecting the Archive strand with an introduction by film scholar Dr Kulraj Phullar.

BFI introduction:
‘Who is guilty, the twig or the current?’ asks a courtroom lawyer, making a plea for clemency for a native Brazilian (played by Indian star Sabu) who fate has led from his jungle village to a murder trial. Produced by Powell and Pressburger, and directed by Powell’s one-time editor Derek Twist, the presented-in-flashback drama was released soon after Black Narcissus, but replaces its studio-created exoticism with black and white location footage shot by Archers-regular Christopher Challis.
James Bell

Here (and above) is an extract.

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