Capital Celluloid 2024 — Day 124: Fri May 3

She's All That (Iscove, 1999): Prince Charles Cinema, 6.30pm

Chicago Reader review:
High school BMOC Freddie Prinze Jr. is challenged by a mean-spirited buddy to upgrade the social standing of an unpopular girl by courting her, and the question of whether Prinze is supposed to be likable hangs in the air as this romantic comedy stumbles along. As an undiscovered beauty who frequents open-stage night at the local performance-art club, her rack hidden under paint-spattered overalls, her chiseled face obscured by glasses, Rachael Leigh Cook is charming and sincere, and ultimately so is Prinze, whose character’s realization that he’s not as shallow as he’d thought is convincing. Their charisma and the movie’s enthusiastically inconsistent tone make this makeover vehicle watchable; it’s often impossible to distinguish what’s meant to be cartoonish from what’s meant to be dramatic, but the confusion seems appropriately adolescent.
Lisa Alspector

Here (and above) is ther trailer.

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