Capital Celluloid 2019 - Day 267: Tue Sep 24

Chantal Akerman par Chantal Akerman (Akerman, 1996): Regent St Cinema, 6.30pm

Moving Image Review and Art Journal/A Nos Amours introduction:
A screening of Chantal Akerman’s 1996 self-portrait Chantal Akerman par Chantal Akerman celebrating the launch of two new publications devoted to her work.  The evening launches a double issue of the journal Moving Image Review and Art Journal (MIRAJ) devoted to Akerman, with essays and features from eminent and emerging writers on her work, both for screen and gallery. This follows the Ambika P3 exhibition of 2015, entitled Chantal Akerman NOW. Contributors include Griselda Pollock, Janet Bergstrom, Alison Rowley and Dominique Piani.

A Nos Amours also launch a book gathering together research and reference materials relating to the 2013-15 complete retrospective of work for the cinema. The Chantal Akerman Retrospective Handbook has a foreword by the celebrated theorist and film-maker Laura Mulvey. The book includes accurate information to assist with curation and screening, as well as texts from the likes of Ivone Margulies, Raymond Bellour and Richard Brody. The book is intended to be the essential Akerman companion.

Chantal Akerman par Chantal Akerman (1996, 63) introduction:

Commissioned for Cinéma, de notre temps, the legendary series of film-maker portraits curated by Janine Bazin and André Labarthe. Akerman chose to make a study of herself as film-maker. Why not? She had turned film-making back on itself, and discovered a feminised and ‘other’ sensibility, another way of seeing the world and self.

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