Capital Celluloid 2024 — Day 190: Thu Jul 11

Threads (Jackson, 1984): BFI Southbank, NFT2, 6.15pm

This film is part of the Discomfort Movies season and also screens on July 21st.

Time Out review:
Originally aired on British TV during the mid ‘80s, Mick Jackson’s docudrama is a sobering, scary and highly realistic hypothetical account of what might happen following a breakdown of society perpetrated, in this instance, by a nuclear strike on Sheffield. The sense of impending doom is palpable as the city’s citizens watch TV news reports about the collapse in relations between Russia and the West. Panic buying becomes looting as humanity begins to adopt a dog-eat-dog mentality. Then the obliteration begins – and it’s pretty ghastly. Small wonder Threads is in our 'Best Horror Films' list; while not strictly part of the horror genre, it provokes a raft of similar emotions – only here you’re aware that this can really happen. Powerful, thought-provoking stuff.

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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