Capital Celluloid 2025 — Day 72: Fri Mar 14

From the Other Side (Akerman, 2002): BFI Southbank, NFT3, 6.10pm

This screening is part of the Chantal Akerman season at BFI. The digital screening is also being shown on Mrch 5th. Full details here.

Chicago Reader review:
What gives Chantal Akerman’s video documentary about illegal Mexican aliens in the U.S. so much bite as well as poignancy is her personal investment in the material. It’s felt in her haunted and highly evocative lingering over landscapes (an Akerman specialty), as well as in her subtitled interviews with Mexicans in Spanish and a few Americans in English. These are capped by her own highly moving monologue in French. A major work that creeps up on you gradually.
Jonathan Rosenbaum

Here (and above) is the trailer.

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